Friday 15 November 2013

3D Printers

"This machine is called the "3D printer". 3D printer is unlike of the common printers. On a 3D printer the object is printed by three dimension. A 3D model is built up layer by layer. Therefore the whole process is called rapid prototyping, or 3D printing. A common process of rapid prototyping is to apply a fine powder (plaster, bioplastic, polyurethane, polyester, epoxy, metal, etc.) in such a 3D inkjet printers. Printer print out the layer of powder on a bed and form a fixed object. The design is defined by a CAD file". It is one of the technologies that have been rising in trend lately as well even though it's still on its's "prototype" stage however back around the 1990's, it was only popular in the engineering, architecture and manufacturing industries . The 3D printer is basically a printer that can print objects in 3D scale. In other words, it could replicate an object inside the machine, building layer upon layer in order to form a real object. The 3D printer can create an object that can be obtained as a powder. The 3D printers have also been used in the medical industry where doctors can create body parts of a certain patient as a mock part to be operated on. 3D printers are also useful ways to reduce assembly costs of manufacturing products and the fact that it could make instant-assembled products and the other factor is that it's good for companies to experiment with ideas for their product without expense time and tooling expense and if certain products are worth the change. This very machine can also challenge the mass production and  manufacturing of today and of course in the future. 3D printers have also created an impact in some aspects of our lives. 

The development of 3D printers have made ordinary people like us to have a more easier life such as getting the things you want just in an instant in your home and 3D printers have also helped the lives of people who live in disability as well because of the fact that the 3D printers can print an exact 3D model of a body part with bio organic material. The development of 3D printers have also impacted on people's lives with food as well. The use of 3D printers have allowed us top manufacture clothes and food therefore making people in poorer conditions get what they need with ease. 3D printers also have an effect on businesses as well. This is because the printers allow businesses to mass produce their products with ease making them a valuable business asset. Printers like these can also help the world from world hunger as these printers can recreate food from the tiniest of DNA and create more healthier food by just extracting the healthy part of the food and mass produce it.  However, there are also negative impacts that can come from the use of 3D printers in a regular basis. This can lead to recklessness of people when it comes to a certain life-changing incidents. This is because people know that there is a way to resolve their problem easier and make them reckless and not conscious of what they are going to do. 3D printers can also be used to benefit the rich countries and exploit poorer countries into more debt. Other countries or businesses might also just use these printers to mass produce weapons for war which is a risky investment. Even though this kind of technology is useful it can also be a source of problems for the world as well.

Thursday 14 November 2013

New Technology

Even though, that we can already live with this kind of technology in this life. There are still new kinds of technology still coming in the upcoming future if ours. There are many technologies still to be yet being tested and being created. One of which is Virtual Reality. Virtual reality is one of the most anticipated of the new technologies and this kind of technology is almost considered to be almost real when you come to use it. In virtual reality, you are presented in a artificial reality where the surrounding around are replaced with an environment that’s generated by the computer. Some virtual reality devices are sometimes used in military simulators and other relevant situations. However, Virtual Reality is not just being used in a profession though, virtual reality lately is also been trying to make its way to gaming as well. One example of a device that uses virtual reality is the "Oculus Rift". The Oculus rift provides a first person view to the user of the device and the device helps the user by providing the environment of the game to the player. The player can also move a 360 degree angle with the device as well making it more a realistic experience. The player however must use a control device in order to move and interact though but the view is controllable. This shows that technology is really advancing to the technology that only exists in movies. Another well-known incoming advancement in technology is the upcoming Google glasses. It is another type of advancement in graphical technology as well. The Google glass is basically glasses but has the features of a mobile phone making it more exciting to buy. Google glasses can take pictures and videos of high quality and it also has a webcam feature and the fact it's portable and light making it a device that makes it easy to communicate. It is also said that you could you use it to communicate with others as well and that it could also have other features like reminders, a clock feature and of course an option to listen to your music on the go as well. It's also good in making a fashion statement. All of these features of the Google glass will make people interested and eager to buy this product in the late future. New technology impacted our lives entirely because of the features that new technology can bring compared to old technology. The quality, the quantity of these new technologies have made us to consume more on them due to their awesome features that they have compared to the old ones that don't have those awesome features. New technology has also made society progress even more as technology allowed us to get more mass media compared to back then. New technology however leads to old technology being obsolete therefore making old technology a run for their money. 

Televisions back then and Televisions Today

Televisions have also improved over the years. Televisions started as "telecommunication medium" for sending and receiving monochrome(black and white) moving images with or without sound accompanying it. It was an amazing thing for people back then as it was their first time to see images move in a small screen. However, the problem is that the graphic quality from televisions was horrible that it was shocking to know that people found this amusing and good. Even though, you could get images from the TV. The problem is the lack of quality and life. It was monochrome and the pictures were blurry and low in graphical detail and it would be hard to get images from the televisions back then as most televisions back in the day were analogue. This means that you need to adjust the frequency of the televisions get from signals in order to get a good image which is time-consuming nonetheless. However, televisions today are now so advanced that the images almost seem to right in front of us. The quality being produced in Televisions today are so vibrant and of course in color making it a very pleasurable experience for the people who have witnessed the technology back then in the past. Televisions today also have better sound quality and most televisions today are digital. This means that it no longer requires adjusting the frequency and to be fiddly with some aspects of the televisions in order to produce a better quality faster.. In specific terms, television in terms of display technology have evolved in a huge way. In the earlier days, Televisions started of with the most common type of video display which is the cathode-ray tube in televisions, cathode-ray tubes are the least expensive and can provide an good overall picture quality value. Another thing of cathode-ray tubes is that they do not have a fixed "native resolution". This means that the television is capable of displaying sources with different resolutions at the best possible image quality. Even though this qualities are enough for a person to view what they want from the televisions. There are some technology disadvantages that cathode-ray tube displays have. One of which is that they can create eye-strain to the user using the display. This is because CRTs tend to flicker unless the refresh rates of the display is set to a high level. Another reason is that CRTs have a much higher consumption rate of energy compared to other displays. Another reason is that you could only get those type of screen displays anymore or less than 21 inches, Another reason is the size and weight of it making it hard ti handle when moving. This is the reason why there are several different display technologies for televisions. These factors make people want to do something in order to remove these factors to be reduced and improved on. One other development that was made was the Rear Projection display (RPTV) . This kind of technology is basically Television that use "projection" technology" and there are three types of projection systems that are used in RPTVs: "CRT-based, LCD-based, and DLP (reflective micromirror chip) -based, D-ILA and LCOS-based". The RPTVs have been been in use commercially ever since the 70s but it could not match with the CRTs of the same time as well due to the sharpness and the quality of the images produced in CRTs. Current models in our time have improved in a big way and now also provide a cost-effective display which is large in size. However, RPTVS only work well in dark and slightly lighted lighted areas. There is a also another development in graphical technology in televisions and this was the "flat panel display" or also known as LCD. The LCD can provide a sharp quality of images and is energy consumption is less and can provide very bright images and the fact that it's flat and take up less space around the area. "Modern advances have brought flat panels to TV that use active matrix LCD or plasma display technology. Flat panel LCDs and plasma displays are as little as 25.4 mm (1 inch) thick and can be hung on a wall like a picture or put over a pedestal. Some models can also be used as computer monitors". LCDs can provide less eye strain to users as well however, there are other disadvantages to LCDs as well such as the cost, the resolution and some other graphical features that the LCDs lack compared to CRTs. The other fact is that LCDs also have a feature called bad pixels and the fact that there is interference involved with LCDs.

How Graphics changed over the last 15 years

Graphics in reality has been constantly evolving and changing due to the people's demand and wants for change. There have been changes, big changes for graphic and such. One change in graphics that is visible is the change of graphics in our mobile phones. Mobile phones 15 years ago have those two-line black on green or transparent LCD screens which could show small animations that were pix-elated and messages that have almost unreadable texts but in today's phones, you could take high quality pictures that look vibrant and real and able to send animations that are actually animated that are not pix-elated. Text messages  now have been improved as letters could be seen more easier and able to change fonts as well. The other thing about mobile phones these days is that they offer cameras that have mega pixels similar to those of high-tech cameras. One example of these phones is the Nokia's Lumia 1020 which has 41 mega pixels. The images produced from the camera of a phone that have mega pixels of 41 mega pixels is astounding. This shows the big difference and the amount of change the graphics of phones over the years. However, its not just phones that have evolved in graphics. Cameras have also improved in a big way that it lead to the rise of the "digital cameras". Cameras would have the capabilities to take pictures and in some cases make videos as well  however, the quality in those cameras back then are as always not up to the standard and not capable to do of the people of today want from it and the fact that cameras back then the use of "film"But now, cameras have now several features that are inaccessible back then such as light and contrast etc but nowadays some film cameras have also developed those features as well. The difference between film and digital cameras is that film cameras would of course need film in order to create an image from it while digital cameras only need some sort of memory storage in order to create it. One advantage of digital cameras is that these cameras can offer users an option that would allow their pictures to be stored easily and the fact that it is easier to make and share pictures from it. In film cameras, you would need to have develop the film as well which is a long processes but it really depends in some cases but overall its slow in developing. One good thing about film is that they sometimes provide a much more better quality image than digital cameras when the film is scanned by the scanner of our times. However, Digital cameras are also evolving. This is because of the fact that digital cameras are developing to having better quality that is in par with film quality.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are one of the media output devices that have been benefited from the improvement of technology. Mobiles phones in the past would be considered a valuable commodity in everyone lives but in the present, Mobile Phones from the past would be considered to most now as "Bricks" due to the brick like qualities of mobile phones in the past. Mobiles phones of the past were bulky, wide(wider than the user's hand), hard to use and an aerial would be attached to it and the fact that the only thing you could with those phones are call and text and even play some mini-games like the very famous "snake" in some later models. However, mobile phones in the present have almost opposite qualities to the old mobile phones in the past. Mobiles phones in the present vary shape in different shapes and sizes and most phones are "bulky" in a way and the fact that aerials in most phones these days are just gone. The only thing that hasn't been removed from the past is the call and text feature that has been present in the past and until now. Instead of removing it, they have improved on this feature drastically compared to the feature back then. Mobile phones now have cameras compared to old phone, as these type of phones come into fashion, the producers of these phones would have to do something in order for people to buy their products. The way they did it, is that they improve it even more. The Cameras in phones have evolved into those of similar to those in High-tech cameras that professionals use. Other new features have also been developed into today's phones as well such as more powerful processors, and video capabilities have also been added to today's phones. All these  "improvements" have made phones similar to characteristics of PCs and laptops. This is because Mobile phones of today have made improvements that are over exceed expectations. Adding in like processors that are normally just used in PCs or laptops, able to browse the Internet with ease, having "touch screen"  and able to access some websites and software that are in normally in PCs as well hence giving these new phones the name "smart phones". Another thing that has been improved in mobiles is the gaming capabilities of mobile phones. Mobiles phones back then were only limited to games such as "snake" where the only objective of the game is to collect and chase random food that's scattered over the screen in 8-bit. The technology back then in mobile phones is so limited that it could only manage and to operate games such as "Snake" and "Space Impact". But, in phones these days, the range of games you can play from the is astounding and has made people go in awe due to the advancement. Mobile phones now can play games that would normally be played in computer could now be played in mobile phones because of the power that the processors in phones could do. Mobile phones today can also play old games from back then as well through the help of "emulators" and such. The downside it could not play some of the newer games in more advanced consoles as the power in consoles are more powerful compared to those in mobile phones. However, there are more and more mobile phones that are being developed in order to match the display power and processing powers of those in consoles in order to maximise the range of where games can be played.

Monday 4 November 2013

Digital Graphics

Digital graphics has developed over the years and has developed into a state that we humans would have wish back in the "Old days". The technology in digital graphics continues on evolving and evolving. The creation of media output such as cameras, mobile phones has lead into more inventions like printers and monitors. However, it did not stop there. This is because of the "human drive" of having something better. This "drive" lead to the development and improvement  of the old technology into the modern technology that we all have today. This drive still goes on until now as there is more desire to get something even more better than we have now. Thanks to this "drive that technology still goes on to evolve to help us on our everyday lives. As we look into the past, we can see that the old technology we got would be considered "unrefined" and "incomplete". This is because the technology lacks the essential qualities that a person need from that technology. In the past, you would see that technology, especially in digital media output devices, would be bulkier and heavy and sometimes impossible to use and immobile and possibly dangerous to the person using it. The new technology development has allowed media output devices to be more efficient and more safer and easy to use compared in the past. back then, people wouldn't know about the hazards of radiation and hazards from other factors and the consequences that the factors bring to the user. Now, since to improvements in Technology, it has made devices more safer and user-friendly. There is a  number of media output media devices that benefits from the advancement of technology like mobile phones, printers, monitors and of course the television.