Thursday, 14 November 2013

Televisions back then and Televisions Today

Televisions have also improved over the years. Televisions started as "telecommunication medium" for sending and receiving monochrome(black and white) moving images with or without sound accompanying it. It was an amazing thing for people back then as it was their first time to see images move in a small screen. However, the problem is that the graphic quality from televisions was horrible that it was shocking to know that people found this amusing and good. Even though, you could get images from the TV. The problem is the lack of quality and life. It was monochrome and the pictures were blurry and low in graphical detail and it would be hard to get images from the televisions back then as most televisions back in the day were analogue. This means that you need to adjust the frequency of the televisions get from signals in order to get a good image which is time-consuming nonetheless. However, televisions today are now so advanced that the images almost seem to right in front of us. The quality being produced in Televisions today are so vibrant and of course in color making it a very pleasurable experience for the people who have witnessed the technology back then in the past. Televisions today also have better sound quality and most televisions today are digital. This means that it no longer requires adjusting the frequency and to be fiddly with some aspects of the televisions in order to produce a better quality faster.. In specific terms, television in terms of display technology have evolved in a huge way. In the earlier days, Televisions started of with the most common type of video display which is the cathode-ray tube in televisions, cathode-ray tubes are the least expensive and can provide an good overall picture quality value. Another thing of cathode-ray tubes is that they do not have a fixed "native resolution". This means that the television is capable of displaying sources with different resolutions at the best possible image quality. Even though this qualities are enough for a person to view what they want from the televisions. There are some technology disadvantages that cathode-ray tube displays have. One of which is that they can create eye-strain to the user using the display. This is because CRTs tend to flicker unless the refresh rates of the display is set to a high level. Another reason is that CRTs have a much higher consumption rate of energy compared to other displays. Another reason is that you could only get those type of screen displays anymore or less than 21 inches, Another reason is the size and weight of it making it hard ti handle when moving. This is the reason why there are several different display technologies for televisions. These factors make people want to do something in order to remove these factors to be reduced and improved on. One other development that was made was the Rear Projection display (RPTV) . This kind of technology is basically Television that use "projection" technology" and there are three types of projection systems that are used in RPTVs: "CRT-based, LCD-based, and DLP (reflective micromirror chip) -based, D-ILA and LCOS-based". The RPTVs have been been in use commercially ever since the 70s but it could not match with the CRTs of the same time as well due to the sharpness and the quality of the images produced in CRTs. Current models in our time have improved in a big way and now also provide a cost-effective display which is large in size. However, RPTVS only work well in dark and slightly lighted lighted areas. There is a also another development in graphical technology in televisions and this was the "flat panel display" or also known as LCD. The LCD can provide a sharp quality of images and is energy consumption is less and can provide very bright images and the fact that it's flat and take up less space around the area. "Modern advances have brought flat panels to TV that use active matrix LCD or plasma display technology. Flat panel LCDs and plasma displays are as little as 25.4 mm (1 inch) thick and can be hung on a wall like a picture or put over a pedestal. Some models can also be used as computer monitors". LCDs can provide less eye strain to users as well however, there are other disadvantages to LCDs as well such as the cost, the resolution and some other graphical features that the LCDs lack compared to CRTs. The other fact is that LCDs also have a feature called bad pixels and the fact that there is interference involved with LCDs.

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